Before You Install Your PPE Cabinet

  1.  Select an appropriate location for your PPE cabinet. Some models may be installed indoors, while others are applicable for outdoor installation. Check with us to determine which option you have purchased, if you’re unsure. 
  2. Check the site is flat, level and capable of holding the weight of the filled cabinet.  
  3. Make sure this location is conveniently located near your chemical cabinets or stores, so that staff can gain quick access to the personal protective equipment.  
  4. The cabinet location must not impede emergency exits or evacuation routes.   

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Ensure your PPE storage cabinet location is flat, level and capable of holding the weight of your cabinet and its contents. 


  1.  Using a trolley or stair lifter, retrieve the PPE cabinet from the delivery area (leaving the packaging on.)  
  2. Take the cabinet to the installation location and remove the packaging.   
  3. Position the PPE cabinet. 
  4. Check that the doors are closing properly. If they aren’t lining up, consider installing the cabinet on a more even surface. Ensure the key-lockable L handles are operating smoothly.

IMPORTANT: Your personal protective equipment (PPE) must be maintained so you can meet your WHS obligations. We recommend developing a standard operating procedure for your personal protective equipment including what items are used for specific chemicals, when items should be discarded, how they should be cleaned and decontaminated, and how they should be stored in the cabinet.  

Download Product Guide PDF

Get in touch:   

 Like to learn more about our dangerous goods and non-hazardous storage solutions? You can connect with the Storemasta team by emailing or calling us on 1300 134 223.   

Further resources:    

Click on the below links for more information about the importance of PPE storage in the workplace. 

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