Placing in transport vehicle: 
  • The Storemasta Battery Transport Unit is suitable for use in most utility vehicles. While we recommend open trays as this ensures a reduced risk, you can use this in closed utility vehicles if required. 
  • To reduce the risk of the unit moving around while on the road, you must use the tie down points for transport. 
  • You can move the Battery Transport Unit to your utility vehicle by forklift, using the fork pockets. The unit is also liftable by crane. 
  • Once in place, and tied down, secure your Battery Transport Unit with a padlock to prevent unauthorised access. 

battery transport unit on back of truck 600 wide

Lithium-ion batteries pose risk whether they are plugged into charge or not. Therefore, careful transport of these batteries is important for fire risk control

Basic battery transport safety: 

  • Lithium-ion batteries can pose a risk in transport, however, if they are on a lesser charge the risk is also diminished. If possible, transport batteries with a 50% or less charge. 
  • Never transport damaged batteries along with batteries in good condition as thermal runaway could be sparked. 
  • Check the signage is visible and intact so staff are aware of the hazards within the store – this includes a CLASS 9 diamond and LITHIUM-ION BATTERY sign. 


The unit is equipped with a range of controls including a Dangerous Goods Fire Suppression System.

  • Storemasta’s Battery Transport Unit is fitted with a cement sheeting, and constructed with a heavy duty stainless steel. These materials can be simply wiped down to avoid dust and particle build up.  
  • If there is an electrolyte leak, ensure the equipment is clean and the batteries are disposed of to your local waste authority in the correct manner. All spill containment equipment, such as absorbents, must also be disposed of in a safe manner as they pose a fire risk. 

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Get in touch:   

Need some more advice on lithium-ion battery management?  Simply connect with our experienced Dangerous Goods Storage Consultants who can help you reduce your battery risks.

Further resources:    

Click on the below links for more information about the transport of lithium-ion batteries: 



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