Does your workplace have sufficient protection against chemical spills? The selection and implemtation of the correct spill bunding is a key step in chemical spill and risk management. But how do you get the right bunding for your operations? In this post, we look at chemical spill bunding - how it works, what the options are and how to select the bunds suitable for your workplace.
What is Chemical Spill Bunding?
Chemical spill bunding — also known as bunding, chemical bunds or containment bunding — is a preventive measure used to contain and control accidental spills of hazardous chemicals or liquids.
Bunding involves the construction of barriers or walls around storage tanks, chemical containers or other areas where chemicals are stored or handled. These barriers are designed to prevent the spread of spilled chemicals and to contain them within a designated area, therefore minimising the risks associated with the chemicals and the accidental release.
Bunds are designed to prevent leaks and spills travelling into the workplace or out into the natural environment.
Why do I Need Bunding?
There are some key factors which influence the need for bunding. These include:
- Compliance obligations – you must abide by the compliance regulations and laws that apply to your region.
- Risk management – as part of your duty to create a safe working environment, you must minimise the risks associated with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods in the workplace.
- Environmental protection – chemical leaks and spills can cause irreversible damage to the environment, including the pollution of waterways, contamination of soil and harm to wildlife, farm animals and ecosystems.
- Human harm – spilled liquids can create a range of health hazards for those nearby, including the risk of fire from flammable substances, toxic or corrosive vapour exposure, accidents and slips from the spilled substances, chemical burns and more.
- Air quality – for the health and safety of workers, you must ensure that airborne contaminants meet specific regulatory levels.
- Fire risk – flammable substances, such as flammable or combustible liquids, must be properly contained within bunds to ensure that the correct procedures for clean up and disposal are performed to reduce fire or explosion risk.
REMEMBER: While there are a multitude of risks associated with the accidental release of hazardous substances or dangerous goods, it’s imperative to have conducted an onsite risk assessment to accurately identify hazards at your site and assess the risks that they present.
Why Types of Bunding is Available?
There are many types of bunds that may be suitable for your site. However, we recommend considering a range of bunds to provide optimum protection against chemical leaks and spills.
Chemical spill bunding may include options such as:
- Temporary bunds – portable bunding that can be quickly installed and packed up, particularly suitable for remote work sites or operations that involve the servicing or repair of vehicles on-the-go.
- Floor bunds – floor bunding is a permanent type of bunding that is installed at the entryway or around the perimeter of a workspace. The bunding can be driven over, but acts as a low lying barrier that prevents the chemical leak or spill from travelling further.
- Bunded shelving – if containers of chemicals are used regularly during the day, bunded shelving may be a suitable option to decrease the risk of leaks and spills
- Bunded chemical storage – compliant chemical storage will always have a built-in liquid tight spill containment system to prevent chemicals from escaping the storage facility.
- Spill containment pallets – spill protection for larger chemical containers such as IBCs and chemical drums is vital for the safety of your site, as these can tip over or leak chemicals quickly if they don’t have secondary containment.
- Drip trays – small containers of chemicals, such as petrol or oil, may require a drip tray during usage. This is an extra layer of protection required when handling and using hazardous chemicals in daily operations.
- Drum handling – sometimes spills happen when drums are being moved around a worksite. With bunded drum handling equipment, you can increase workplace safety by catching leaks and spills within the handling equipment.
IMPORTANT: While bunding offers containment for any leaks and spills, it’s vital that the accidental release is quickly identified so that the appropriate spill clean up can take place.
What is a Compliant Spill Bund?
Bunding needs to provide the necessary protections to minimise the potential for harm with hazardous liquids.
Your spill bunding must be:
- Impervious to liquids
- Fire-resistant and constructed from non-combustible material
- Able to contain the compliant spill capacity as determined by the Australian Standards
- Made from materials that are resistant to attack by the contained chemicals
Bunds can be made of various materials such as concrete, steel, or plastics, depending on the specific requirements of the site and the types of chemicals being stored.
The design and capacity of bunds are determined based on factors such as the volume and toxicity of the chemicals involved, as well as regulatory requirements.
Considerations including the volume, type and hazards associated with your chemicals must be taken into account when selecting spill containment bunding.
Choosing Spill Bunding for your Workplace
To determine spill bunding, there are a range of factors to consider.
We recommend walking around your site to see all the ways in which chemicals could leak or spill. This may include identifying a need for bunding for:
- Leaking equipment
- Car servicing or repairs
- Storage facilities
- Chemical drum handling
- Dispensing operations
- Handling areas
- Areas that open chemical packages
IMPORTANT: Chemical spill bunding is typically part of a broader risk management strategy. Risk management for chemicals may also include measures such as spill response plans, training for personnel, and regular inspections and maintenance of storage facilities.
Selecting the Right Chemical Bund
We recommend thinking about these points before you purchase any secondary containment products for your workplace.
- What other containment measures are at your site or in your storage facility?
- Is there a spill risk during handling, storage, use or transport of chemicals in normal operations?
- Will the bund system effectively contain a spill without creating an incompatibility risk with other chemicals?
- Could unexpected external factors, such as a vehicle collision, create a spill hazard?
REMEMBER: You must choose products that offer excellent chemical resistance as the bunding must be able to contain the liquid, offer easy clean up of the substance, as well as be impervious to attack from the chemicals that you’re using at your worksite.
Specific Steps to Take When Buying Bunding
You can simplify your chemical bund buying experience by following these simple steps.
Consider the following:
- What is the hazard class or division of the chemical you’re looking to contain — and which bund material is most suitable?
- What type of chemical container may require spill containment, ie small containers, drums, IBCs
- How much liquid in total would have to be contained if the largest possible spill did occur?
- Will permanent floor bunding also have to be applied to the workspace to ensure containment?
- Do you require temporary bunding for operations such as offsite vehicle maintenance?
- Is there a spill risk during dispensing or handling operations that would require bunded equipment?
- Will the bunding system adequately control the risks associated with leaks and spills in your workplace?
- Is the chemical bund constructed to meet compliance and safety regulations?
REMEMBER: The appropriate spill kit should always be installed in an area where there is a leak or spill risk. Storemasta offers a range of spill kits, including Chemical Spill Kits, Marine Spill Kits and Oil & Fuel Spill Kits, to help your team quickly and safely clean up any accidental releases of hazardous chemicals.
Keep Stored Liquids and Chemical Packages Safe
Utilising a range of bunding options in your operations means that you’re adding layers of protection against chemical hazards. From environmental safety to protecting the health of your staff, chemical spill bunding is an important consideration for any area of your business where there is a spill risk.
To learn more about the safe storage, handling and transport of chemical packages in your workplace, why not download a copy of our free eBook? Our easy to understand guide walks you through the essential considerations when choosing spill containment for your site. Get your free copy now to learn more about temporary bunds and permanent bunds to ensure workplace safety.

Living life by the 4 C’s of marketing – communication, coffee, compliance… and more coffee – Leisa Andersen is Storemasta’s Content Marketing Manager. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her enjoying all the good things in life, including shopping, travel and gluten free donuts.