Keeping Your HAZCHEM Store Compliant

As your Dangerous Goods Storage Specialists, we’ve seen our fair share of HAZCHEM stores. Most...

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‘Notifiable Incidents’ Involving Hazardous Chemicals

When someone becomes sick, injured, or dies at a workplace in Australia, the WHS authority in your...

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What Administrative Controls Apply to Flammable Liquids Storage?

If you’ve been reading our posts for a while, you’ll understand how important the Hierarchy of...

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An Outline of the Dangerous Goods Classes, Divisions, Packing Groups and Subsidiary hazards

Dangerous goods are divided into 9 classes (and several subdivisions) based on the predominate...

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What is the Australian Standard For Storage of Chemicals?

When it comes to the Australian Standards of the storage and handling of dangerous goods, our...

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Hard Copy Vs Soft Copy of Hazardous Chemical Register

Keeping a register of all the hazardous chemicals you use, store and carry is an essential...

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Physical Evidence Gathering for HAZCHEM Incidents

When a HAZCHEM incident occurs at work, it’s essential that evidence gathering occurs as quickly as...

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How To Sustain Compliance with Hazardous Chemical Storage Regulations

You’ve been through the whole risk management process and your hazardous chemical storage areas are...

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3 Key Isolation Controls for Managing Hazardous Chemicals

Isolating your hazardous chemicals from workers and incompatible substances is an important risk...

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Preventative Maintenance and Integrity Testing in Your Hazardous Chemical Stores

As time passes, your chemical controls and onsite equipment can lose its effectiveness due to age...

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Training Workers to use emergency decontamination equipment

Here at Storemasta, we often see emergency decontamination equipment fall into disrepair and...

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How Do You Calculate Spill Bund Capacity For Different Classes Of  Dangerous Goods?

When working with dangerous goods, it’s important to have control measures in place that can...

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