Installing Aluminium Floor Bunding

  1. Ensure the surface under the floor bunding is appropriate
  2. Clean the surface so it’s free of anything that could affect adhesion
  3. Layout your bunding to determine you have enough materials
  4. Cut lengths as required to custom fit your layout
  5. Layout the bunding using a chalk line and leave a 2-3mm gap in between lengths (for expansion)
  6. Pre-drill holes for the concrete fasteners
  7. Vacuum away the dust
  8. Apply adhesive to the bottom of the floor bunding and adhere to ground surface.
  9. Insert the concrete screws
  10. Once the lengths are installed, run a bead of adhesive along both sides where it meets the ground and in the gap between the lengths
  11. Allow the adhesive to cure before using the bunding

Aluminium Floor Bund Product Manual PDF

Installing Drive Over Floor Bunding

Minimum tools are required and the drive over floor bunding can be cut easily. Each length and corner of drive over floor is manufactured with pre-moulded points for bolts to assist with installation.

Each length and corner of drive over floor is manufactured with pre-moulded points for bolts to assist with installation.

The required bunded areas can be easily configured using the moulded 90° corner pieces.

Each 1m length installation kit consists of:

  • 6 x countersunk concrete fasteners
  • 1 x tube of adhesive sealant

Before purchasing floor bunding ensure you check ground clearance of forklifts.

Drive Over Floor Bund Product Manual PDF

Installing Flexible Floor Bunding - Preparation of Surface

The ground surface where the floor bund will be installed must be clean and free of dust, debris, oil, grease and any other contaminate that may affect the adhesion. If the ground surface is very dusty or in poor condition, it would be best to paint or seal it first in order to obtain a perfect seal between the surface and floor bunding.

Installation of Bunding

Mark out the area to be installed with a chalk line.

Place the Flexible Floor Bunding (FFB) sections in the required configurations and cut to the correct dimensions. Where a join is required, cut away enough foam to allow PVC to overlap.

Lay the FFB in place where it will be installed. Liberally apply adhesive to the underside of the FFB and lay in place along the chalk line.

Flexible Floor Bund Product Manual PDF

Further resources:   

Click on the below links for more information about bunding for your business.

What are the Regulations for Chemical Bunding?

A Quick Guide To Determining the Need for Bunding and Secondary Containment

Flammable Liquid Spills


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